Encouraging Thunder -Blogger Award!


I was so excited to see that I have been recognized by Encouraging Life for the Encouraging Thunder Blogger Award. It’s my first time to be nominated for this award and this nomination is for bloggers who are considered to be active bloggers, read my posts, leaving comments and even likes my posts. You guys should check these bloggers as they are very inspiring and very supportive to one another. This award could be rewarded many times.

I am sharing and recognizing these awesome bloggers this special award “Encouraging Thunder” as it is a symbol of protection from nature. I will link them down below in random order.

What you can do with Encouraging Thunder award?

  • Post it on your blog
  • Grant other bloggers with the award

What you can’t do with Encouraging Thunder award?

  • Abuse or misuse the logo
  • Claim that it’s your own handmade logo

What you should do after receiving Encouraging Thunder award:

  • Enjoy the award
  • At least gives thanks via comments and likes and or mentioning the blog who give the award.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging

Thank you blogger-friends and enjoy!!


11 thoughts on “Encouraging Thunder -Blogger Award!

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