Polish of the Week!


Hello my dear friends! Here I am again sharing my Polish of the Week and decided to play with my nail art tools and this is what I came up with. 🙂


You guys know the drill, so let’s get started!

  • OPI Natural Base Coat for top coat
  • Rimmel London (60 seconds) Clear Coat for finisher


Then painted my nails using Rimmel London (60 seconds) in Hot Black To Go (820).

Then I added some accents with Rimmel London Rita Ora (60 seconds) in White Hot Love (703) and Rimmel London (60 seconds) in Precious Metal (810) using my nail art tools.

and Voila!

I am feeling some love 😍 and hate 😡 on this one, but what do you guys think?

Have a great week ahead! ❤



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