Beauty Blogger+Liebster Award!

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My deepest apology toΒ CHARLOTTE FOXΒ for not sharing this post as soon as possible. But here I am and I would like to give a shout-out to this lovely blogger and Thank you for this nomination/award.


Here are my not so random but random questions:

  1. Who is your favorite Beauty Guru?
  2. What do you use when taking photos for your blog posts?
  3. How often do you shop for beauty products?
  4. How many pairs of Jeans do you have?
  5. How old were you when you realized that you love makeup?
  6. What is your favorite social media site?
  7. Do you think you can start and finish the day without checking your phone even if you have it with you the whole time?
  8. Do you shop at thrift stores?
  9. If you were to get rid of your beauty products and just keep three (3) items amongst them all, what would this three items be?
  10. Do you pray every single day?

And there you have it! I can’t wait to see your answersΒ guys! πŸ™‚


The Dragon Loyalty Award!

wpid-img_20150721_1The Dragon Loyalty Award

Thank you so much chubbychicsdiary for this nomination and I am very excited to share this to all of you. Please don’t forget to check out chubbychicsdiary page as she’s got great posts for everyone.

Now, what do we need to do to fulfill this award?

  • Display the award certificate on your website
  • Announce your win with a post link to whoever presented your award
  • Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers
  • Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post
  • Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Get ready beautiful bloggers because you are awarded too!

  1. Lainey Loves Life
  2. littlebeautyloves
  3. Lipstick Lovely
  4. Polished by Amy
  5. bohocharming
  6. BeginnerBeaute
  7. In The Love And Hate Of Beauty Blog
  8. thebeautydorkk
  9. Ciara
  10. amiablecharm
  11. RCubed
  12. Evolvinglolo
  13. bmbishop1995
  14. CosmeticChaos
  15. Queen_Cassiopeia

Now, the 7 interesting things about me:

  1. I love vinegar, I always eat my meals with it.
  2. I love hot sauce and my favorite kind/brand is Tabasco (Original).
  3. I don’t like buying expensive things.
  4. I am not a good cook.
  5. I have mostly drugstore makeup products because they are very affordable.
  6. I have tons of shoes.. πŸ˜› (who doesn’t… right?)
  7. I love to work because I love my job.

And that’s it! I can’t wait to see your posts ladies… πŸ™‚


Ipsy Glam Bag! (July)

July IpsyΒ Glam Bag time!


I always look forward to see what’s in my monthly Glam Bag since I first subscribed to Ipsy. For this month, it’s actually cool because I’m so happy with allΒ of the items that I received in my bag. Aside from the very colorful Glam Bag, the items are OH so Beautiful too. This month’s theme is called Summer Lovin’ .

Now, let’s get straight to the goodies! Continue reading “Ipsy Glam Bag! (July)”

Fashion Update! #OOTDπŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘“

If you were following my posts, you know that I had a quick weekend getaway with my better half over a week ago to celebrate our AnniversaryπŸ’‘. But what I haven’t shared with you was my outfit(s) during our quick trip. So, with that said I would like to share a quick snap of my “OOTD” if you don’t mind. πŸ™‚ ☺️

Dress: Hollister, Flats: Rue 21, Bag: H&M, Sunglasses: Yves Saint Laurent (YSL)

Romper: H&M, Red Flats:Old Navy, Sandals:Bamboo, Cropped Leather Jacket: bebe (I’ve decided to wear sandals because it’s raining the whole time and I didn’t want to ruin my red flats..) πŸ˜›

Dress: “Poshmark” find, Bag: Zara, Sunglasses: Prada, Gladiator Sandals: GC Shoes Raise-N-Nuts (DSW)

Ripped Jeans: Wet Seal, Blue Top: F21, Bag: Madewell, Maroon Pants: H&M, Black Top: bebe
So far you can tell that the Blue Flats is my favorite footwear the entire trip right? they are just so comfy and they dry so quickly since it’s been raining the whole time. Aside from that, my cropped leather jacket became my best friend as well since I didn’t bring any other jacket as I didn’t know that it will be raining all weekend long. 😁

There you go! I hope this “OOTD” post inspires you as well. Most of the clothes I wore have been on my Fashion Haul! post and most of them are bargain finds. All I want to say is that, you don’t have to spend a lot to look good and find cute clothes. A lot of bargain clothes are actually better than the ones you paid full price. It’s just a matter of how you present yourself, for you to look good and feel good..(In my opinion anyways) πŸ™‚

There you go!! As always.. Thanks for dropping by!! mwahh… πŸ™‚ ❀


Quick update!😊

Hi there cyber-friends! I’m sorry if I haven’t posted lately as I’m here in Niagra Falls/Canada right at this very moment. I promise to start posting as soon as I am home. 

But! I won’t end this post here as I would like to show you this awesome work of art that captured my eyes.

This upside-down house is just amazing! Everything inside is upside-down too! Haha.. Kudos to the brain of this house, it’s very unique indeed! πŸ‘πŸ»  
By the way, I posted some photos in my Instagram account but will be posting more here soon!πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜˜