Natural Home Remedy!

Let me tell you a story.. some of you might find it stu**d while some might find it helpful, some might have heard about this while some..I don’t know! But I do hope you leave a comment below and tell me what you think? now, let’s get started..

About a week ago, I craved for hotdogs.. (yes, hotdog) and I usually fry my hotdogs. It just tastes better cooking it that way. However, because of me rushing things..very impatient.. I had to cook them frozen under a very hot oil and high temp.. uhhuuuhh.. very impatient.. πŸ˜›

Now, when I tried breaking them apart with a fork it broke into half and the fork went straight to the pan and the oil went all over and a huge amount of oil went to my hand.. Yup! it did hurt and I almost panicked. I was thinking of washing them with cold water but I was scared that my skin might come off ???? so I went ahead and wiped them off and went to get some toothpaste.. Yup! toothpaste because I heard they help when you burn yourself. But, I remembered our toothpaste has mint and it’s also a whitening toothpaste so I decided not to use it as it might irritate my skin even more.

After a drama moment with tears all over my face (LOL), I did recall that my mom used to use tomato when she gets burned while cooking. Luckily we have some tomatoes in our refrigerator so I had to use them right away. When my husband saw me using the tomato he then told me to apply Neosporin…applying Neosporin is the worst idea ever!!!! OMG..😱 It felt like my hand was on fireπŸ”₯ or was poured with a gallon of hot sauce or I don’t even know how to describe it.. All I can remember is I almost passed out..πŸ‘· I ended up washing my hand and went back to applying the tomato. πŸ…πŸ…

2015-18-5--19-16-37Mr. Tomato to the Rescue! πŸ™‚

The photo on the left is taken the day after. while the photo on the bottom right is taken on the 5th day. It also burned most part of my knuckles but I missed to capture a closer photo.

I tried browsing online to find the best home remedies for burns but none of the things mentioned can be found in our home at that very moment. Gladly, I listened to my mom when I was still back home and it paid off. It’s actually healing so much better with no blisters or “water bubbles”.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  at exactly one week!

One last info.. I literally went to sleep with tomato on my hand.. LOL (TMI??)😜

Bonus photo: (this is the result of my cooked/burned hotdog)

And yes! I still ate them.(haha).and if you’re wondering why they are RED, that’s how our hotdog in the Philippines are.. πŸ™‚

Β So there you go.. I hope you learned something from this very unusual post of mine..πŸ‘
