Polish of the week!πŸ’…πŸ»

Polish of the week is Polish of the week! HAHA πŸ‘

I found this beautiful shade from Rimmel London (whaatt???😱Rimmel Again!!!) Oh yes, another Rimmel London (60 seconds) Nail Polish and I thought for a change, let’s rock this “green” colored nail polish because I have been feeling this green shade lately.

As always, I start off with OPI Base Coat.. then followed by my desired nail polish Rimmel London (60 seconds) in the shade “DISTRICT-LY COME DANCING” #504 and finished it with a top/clear coat also from Rimmel London (60 seconds). “How I wish Rimmel London will also release a base coat too since they already have a top/clear coat”.Β 

How about you guys, what shade of nail polish πŸ’…πŸ» are you in the mood for this week?πŸ˜„

So yeah! Have a great week ahead cyber-friends!!πŸ™‹

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